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File: 1644481976080.png (40.11 KB, 672x776, anime neon genesis evangel….png)


Lets discuss why evangelion, 4cucks favorite le deep anime, sucks.


File: 1644483673159.webm (2.22 MB, 1920x1080, nigger.webm)

It's pretty good albeit


Shinji never shows any initiative so he is an unlikable character


That doesn't make him unlikeable however


That makes him likable and relatable however


Crying like a bitch everytime does


That's because he was supposed to be a girl, but before release, they decided against it because there were "too many girls already" and just changed his animation


still would be shit if shinji was a girl



It would be worse since he would be a girl


File: 1644494654775.mp4 (4.52 MB, 960x720, - μ ϲ γ - - https -_t.co….mp4)

Bravo Anno



The fight scenes are so boring yet people will praise them to death. just look at the comments of this video.
>Most of the fight is just the control team saying nonsense about the control plug or synch levels
>No cool weapons just a knife and sometimes a gun
>AT field means there's no suspense because you know nothing the evangelion will throw at the angel will ever hit until the end
I know that they wanted to make the evangelion look like an animal or a caveman when it fights. But the execution is garbage.


>>Most of the fight is just the control team saying nonsense about the control plug or synch levels
Lmfao this, every single time, anno is such a hack


He can do good fight scenes like in gunbuster where the protagonists are constantly outnumbered and fighting for survival. He just gave that up for "le depression kino". The episode where shinji and asuka work together to take out the angel is actually alright because they have to train to beat it but I don't think the other fights in the tv show hold up.

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