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/a/ - Anime

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File: 1644457335191.png (147.08 KB, 757x912, Delinquent soyjak.png)


Stop fucking spaming retard.


Why would you veven raid a board no trannies go to?


File: 1644457515816.png (414.97 KB, 989x963, mexican twink commits suic….png)

>Why would you veven raid a board no trannies go to?


Not a single tranny posts on /a/ their all on /soy/.


File: 1644457781441.png (140.17 KB, 623x930, 17c.png)

>Not a single tranny posts on /a/ their all on /soy/.


Its true. And I never used discord, like the trannies who spam nas on /soy/.


Jojo never said that

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