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/a/ - Anime

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yikes, is she going to jail?


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nichijou was kinda coal ngl


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>alright now I have to admit this this is the greatest anime of all time and it is another slice of life anime I'm not sure how they I'm not sure how they got into the top two I don't know what else to say alright they're just some episodes that you know they'll just have you on the ground painting for air after watching right most of most of the stuff in this anime is like so bizarre and like quirky but like a you know in a good way quirky you know like you you think that there's weird stuff in JoJo not at all right not compared to this alright some of the stuff that they add in is just so unnecessary you know to get the point across but but it's good it's like good unnecessary you know a necessary stuff but you know it's like welcome but you know there are you know times or even though this is supposed to be just a regular gag anime just regular slice-of-life comedy anime the animation quality just gets so ridiculously high for no reason the three main characters have the best synergy and chemistry the secondary main characters also have the you know the wackiest adventures and all of its just wrapped up with like a touch of part warming moments it's such a weird and enjoyable show and I'm more than certain anyone that watches it will be you know just as entertained as I was the art style is fun to watch and it's fitting for the show


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Gem comin' thru


DBBros, moeshit has better animation than us...


Yeah DBZ has shit animation, I don't think any DBZ fags is delusional enough to think not.


Litterally me tho


even the coalest soyjak gif is better animated than this


literally false


kill yourself tranny


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im a white cis male but go off ig.


youre a demented tranny faggot kys


Lmao sure thing soyteen


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>Lmao sure thing soyteen


? i just told you who i am how is it not believable??


>acts like a tranny
>actually im normal
retarded falsflag


im just typing tho? how does one act like a tranny lol


kys tranny falseflagger everyone can tell that you cut your dick off


so you just want me to post my dick or what?


i want you to jump under a moving truck's wheels


even if i was one why do you hold so much hatred against them?


so you are one



but you just said you are


it was a hypothetical scenario but chile


why do you write like a tranny then


point out any tranny characteristics in my typing style


obsessed freak


>hating soyjaks
>liking tranime
>why do you hold so much hatred against trannies?


>hating soyjaks
thats valid
>liking tranime
never said that
>why do you hold so much hatred against trannies?
it was a normal question you failed to answer


>why do you hate jewish pedophiles that want to give tranny pills to children


>why do you hate faggots that take over moderation teams and ban anyone who isnt a tranny like them


>why do you hate disgusting abomination freaks of nature that became that way by their own will and actions


ur an incel tho thats not much better lol




post side profile


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>post side profile




I knew a fujo chick in school that was obsessed with nichijou, I tried so many times to watch it but I just didn't find it funny.




It isn't funny to non-bugs


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>It isn't funny to non-bugs


>Passing a perfect oportunity to get a fujo gf
Fail above all fails.


File: 1645045803674.gif (825.95 KB, 300x169, BruisedIdioticKudu-max-1mb.gif)


Non-racist here, he's kinda right

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