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File: 1637026279294.png (302.26 KB, 1437x840, lainjak.png)


lets all love lain!




Does anyone have screenshots of the lainchan raid?


oh my god lainjak is so attractive




Lainchan is a GOOD site, fuck off incels and don't touch it


File: 1637027177825.png (36.63 KB, 600x800, lainjak2.png)

Dont worry we are just gonna love lain there


No, not really. It's full of bait threads and nanochan mongrels, along with the literal furfag that shits up the catalog with unintelligible rambling


good board to solo raid from time to time cause getting banned is impossible


that's not what lain looks like


File: 1637029389159.png (18.24 KB, 539x382, schizo.png)

>collective unconscious
>psi energy
>schumann resonance
>majestic 12
>consensus reality






File: 1645359050982.mp4 (22.87 MB, 504x360, lain schizomentary.mp4)

Kino however


File: 1646884175250.jpg (59.14 KB, 540x422, 164535905098.jpg)

>lain good even doe I didn't understand it until I googled the meaning of the show after finishing it and it was too boring for a rewatch so I just pretend to get it instead


Lol imagine getting filtered by anime


The owner of the website is underage and once fapped on a livestream. Fuck lainchan and fuck lain.


Lain is not boring wtf


who gives a shit

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