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File: 1632894893778.pdf (291.86 KB, TAKE ACTION v7 refs.pdf)

 No.16649[Last 50 Posts]

Post here? Why not. *Shrug*

Rampant anorectal violence may be one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today. Rationale:
• It is very common — especially in pornography. Several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and engaging in violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem; many people are being inspired by material that should constitute incriminating evidence and that in many cases is sold for a profit. Those perpetrators even are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead be condemned widely and harshly and punished severely for their violent behavior.
• Widespread ignorance—particularly _willful_ ignorance—and apathy about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing to societal decay, likely very significantly. Since so many people don't wish to think about, much less seriously discuss anorectal matters, rampant anorectal violence "flies under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic abuse which may not even be anywhere near as dangerous.
• Given the widespread ignorance about what an anus is supposed to look like, it's often the preferred target of people who like to disfigure body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is not valued very highly, and it commonly is denigrated and intentionally abused (treated in a harmful/injurious manner). That abuse is tolerated, or at least ignored, by far too many people. The vast majority of humanity may never care much at least about another person's anus, meaning that discouraging erotic anoreceptive activities entirely probably is the only viable solution.


Wrong paste too. That's already in the PDF.

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior.

Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence.


okay thats cool but why should i read it


There are important matters that need to be addressed. Even for someone who is not inclined to address them, a great deal could be learned about one of our most important body parts and nearby regions by reading through medical quotes in the compilation and perhaps entire studies (and even studies cited by, citing, and relating to those).

I can't force anyone to listen, or to care. All I can do is keep on posting about these matters and hope that, one day, many people will work to seriously and effectively address them.

(What precisely are those matters to which I'm referring? Perhaps I'll create a bulleted list if that is necessary.)


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Alemanegros y sus alemanegradas, gringos y sus gringadas y franchutes y sus franchutadas.




File: 1633163052809.png (185.05 KB, 948x1129, criminal justice.png)

> What precisely are those matters to which I'm referring? Perhaps I'll create a bulleted list if that is necessary.
• Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—involving a combination of rapid thrusting, a girthy penis/object, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide. It is impossible for resultant anal and rectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology.
• Widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, misinformation, and disinformation are facilitating rampant anorectal violence.
• People with (self-)destructive inclinations, some affiliated with pornography companies, are having a field day with anorectal violence and spreading disinformation.
• Watching violent pornography can have numerous effects on some viewers (including inspiring them to the point of emulation, even using coercion).
• Pornography is being used as a substitute for sexual education in some cases.
• There are, or most certainly should be, criminal implications for people who perpetrate anorectal violence against one or more others. Furthermore, various factors on their own or combined can in some regions (and anywhere else most certainly should) invalidate consent from a legal perspective; these include the possibility or actual result of serious injury, use of a strong mind-altering drug, and the presence of a significant mental disorder such as a severe case of sexual masochism disorder. (The image is related.)


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The human anorectum is highly unsuited for many all-too-common receptive activities due to the fragility of the anorectal region. Contributing factors include:

• Anatomy — Not far inside there are very delicate and pain-insensate tissues (including simple columnar epithelium, a lining that some enemas and lubricants can inflame and even remove).
• Neuromuscular physiology — The internal anal sphincter is involuntary and relaxes with rectal distension. The external anal sphincter and puborectalis completely relax as a person bears down, causing hemorrhoidal cushions to engorge and increasing the cushions' fragility.

Potential traumatic consequences of such activities include inflammation, abrasion and tearing, damage to muscle and connective tissues, and colorectal perforation. All of those can lead to even more issues: bacterial infection followed by abscess / fistula / life-threatening systemic sepsis; hemorrhoidal disease, such as internal hemorrhoidal prolapse; rectal prolapse (originating from further inside); anatomic stenosis (narrowing due to constricting scar tissue called a stricture); one or more anal skin tags (scar tissue e.g. from a healed tear, a sentinel tag associated with a chronic anal fissure, or a remnant of external hemorrhoidal thrombosis); and fecal incontinence.


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File: 1633242549020.png (330.12 KB, 1138x1192, reddit.png)

>Reddit /r/painal
Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2021/09/29] persist despite that: /r/Pain /r/Roughanal /r/DegradingHoles

* "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people"
https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 [accessed 2021/09/29]


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when US redditors attack group of people called "Chinese" - it's totally OK and happens on many subreddits. But if you try to tell them what they are doing, they will ban you immediately. Reddit is just a site for US propaganda, hidden inside jokes, memes and different bs.


Good, kill all Chinese people


>kill all Chinese people

No Chinese, no gadgets, no devices, to electronics, just US expensive shit


Idc, kill all ching chongs


Not real


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The following is included in the OP PDF for a reason.

Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics:

• A red herring logical fallacy is a tangential topic introduced as a distraction. One _very_ common example is trying to create an irrelevant discussion about a messenger/claimant (often by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions).
• An ad hominem logical fallacy is an argument or implication that at least one supposed characteristic about a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics potentially _can be_ relevant: for example, it may be appropriate to question a person's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy may apply in that situation.)
• Misrepresentation, or introducing a distorted version of something that is presented, is another form of red herring. Attacking such a fabrication as a means to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation with one or more vague, sweeping claims for which no proof is provided may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant, so offering constructive criticism is a good idea: clear and specific, with citations if applicable.)

Purposely and repeatedly trying to divert attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal abuse, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy.


please take your meds


File: 1633330016158.pdf (42.89 KB, reddit bullshit & omission.pdf)

> A red herring logical fallacy is a tangential topic introduced as a distraction. One _very_ common example is trying to create an irrelevant discussion about a messenger/claimant (often by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions).
> https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151
As I pointed out elsewhere...

Here is a recent addition: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule."

New material continues to appear on /r/sex that is suitable for inclusion in "reddit bullshit & omission." Somehow I very strongly doubt we'll see many (or even ANY) bans of people on that subreddit for spreading health misinformation/disinformation — at least and especially where anorectal matters are concerned…



File: 1633330217603.png (119.47 KB, 1120x870, anal insanity 20190115.png)

In case anyone's wondering, BTW: I'm using Tor. I forgot to use a specific proxy as I did for some previous posts.

Anyway, once again: Ultimately this is not about me. Please take action to address those important issues I've covered.


Sounds like a plan but what should i do


Share on twitt*r


Not everychud has a twitter


That's a good question. There are many options. A good start might be reading the Wikipedia critique in the OP PDF and addressing the issues in those referenced articles. Other possibilities include working to improve sexual education, trying to take pornography industry abuses and excesses up with government representatives for people who live in appropriate regions, etc. Perhaps I'll work on a paste with ideas, but that's not too appealing.


nigger, what is this explain normal


The issues should be clear from reading two paragraphs in >>16650 (also in the OP file) or the bullet points in >>16958. Shortening things too much might cause important details to be lost. I can't please everyone; what I posted requires certain minimum levels of English reading comprehension, attention span, and willingness to learn (e.g. consulting a dictionary for unfamiliar terms).


And yeah, sometimes I'm an idiot. Sheesh. I have different variants of TAKE ACTION.


you clearly are way too smart for this site






shit, this is actually good


when como cuando OPuto se da el erotisomo anal no solo es dañino para la juventud y la sociedad as a whole y que la pornografía te degrada como una persona sana; chingandote tu sentido común tanto tu percepción de realidad segura y racional independientemente de tu satisfacción freudiana durante tu infancia, adolescencia y pubertad.
but no hay pedo porque tu no eres retrasado mental y si tienes sentido comun (a diferencia de OP que se daba de dar cuenta que el erotismo es el origen de [casi] todo mal en el mundo)
XDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxDXDXdxdxxdxDXdxdxdXdxdXDxDxdXdxxDxdxDXdxdxXDxdXXdXDXDxdxdxdxXDxdxdXDXdxdxdxdXDDXDXDxdxDXDxdxdxdXdxdxxdxdXdxdxdxdxdxDXDxdxDxDDXDXDXDdxdxdxdXdxdxDXDxdxDXdxdXDxdXDxDXdXDXdxDdXDXdXDxdXDxDxdXDxdXdxDXDxDXdxdXdXDxDXdXXxD :V


Looking at an English translation of the writings above the repetitious emoticons, do I detect a red herring and [implicit] ad hominem? Well, you gave me reason to bump the thread again. Congrats.


Why is this supposed to be important? just let coomers be coomers and fap themselves to death


Oh, and let's not forget about putting words in my mouth (misrepresentation) and the straw man logical fallacy (attacking a fabrication).


File: 1633763794286.png (1.18 MB, 2560x4096, trends & associations.png)

Take a look at this image. It's part of the compilation in the OP file.

tl;dr: "Monkey see, monkey do" is a huge problem. Even leaving that aside, some violent people should be punished for placing another person at risk of or actually causing serious injury, especially when it's a recurring pattern of behavior.



i dont see how this applies to normal well-adjusted persons, most of them likely have an inclination towards psychopathy or whatever anyways, not suprising given the content they consume
so what am i supposed to make of this? just imprison or medicate the ones who act out on it and call it a day, maybe do something to help the damaged women and crack down on plebbit crackheads who promote this shit


What I've written in several posts in this thread should be more than adequate to explain why there is a need for many people worldwide not only to be very concerned about issues I've covered but also to take serious and effective action to address them.

As I wrote in the OP: Rampant anorectal violence may be one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today. My reasoning was provided below that.

Other posts to read:
>>16650 (first two paragraphs of my "justice" paste that I usually include in TAKE ACTION; the "decadence" paste is much newer)
>>16958 (recap)
>>17008 (short traumatic risks summary)
>>17010 (should be self-explanatory)
>>17062 (I can't point that out often enough)
>>17064 (also should be self-explanatory)
>>17069 (some ideas about what people can do)

There really isn't much more for me to write. Most of what I'm doing is summarizing material from others. I recommend reading their words directly.


When como cuando estás bien pendejo y usas proxies para postear en un foro de capyvaras en las mavinas


File: 1633811861616.jpg (31.07 KB, 470x470, 1502410735897.jpg)

Vale, eso me ha hecho kekear lol


From the OP file:

As of 2021/09/26 and for far too many years prior, several related English Wikipedia articles have had major & inexcusable flaws, including these:
• The article about the human anus has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Biological human females past developmental stages in the womb should lack an externally-visible perineal raphe (seamlike union/ridge) in the anogenital region between the anus and the vagina; the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them and does not form a persistent, visible midline raphe as it may in biological males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the article about the perineal raphe claims otherwise with no support from any cited source.
• The article about simple columnar epithelium explains nothing about its fragility and lack of somatic innervation (for pain sensitivity).

The article about anal sex ...
• lacks even one _scientific_ opposing perspective, giving readers without exposure to balanced sources the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions. One such scientific perspective: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many all-too-common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short- and long-term health risks to a receptive person. [Rationale: Anorectal Risks 1-3]
• fails to mention the normalization of injurious anoreceptive violence in pornography featuring real people.
• does not account for the ambiguity of the term "hemorrhoid," which can refer to pathology or normal anatomy.
• contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable, nor is "unnatural" necessarily the inverse.

Those flaws contribute to rampant anorectal violence and misinformation facilitating it.


Also from the OP file and from >>17062 (as I stated, I can't point it out often enough):

Purposely and repeatedly trying to divert attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal abuse, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy.




What the fuck will it take for many people to actually address these issues?


until we care about the 80 iq subhumans affected by it (j)


>words words words
do you really expect me to read all that?


Chances are that they affect many more people than merely <80 IQ sorts thanks to how widespread anorectal misinformation and disinformation are, and how few people seem to be seriously and effectively fighting back against them.
4chan /gif/thread/10712888 Mon 12 Jun 2017 04:26:30 No.10748916
(Replying to post 10748766)
I've seen "tl;dr" for my risks summary as well. I can't please everyone.

Besides, I might make mistakes when I try to summarize information from others (at least at first -- I most certainly am a revisionist writer), and sometimes someone picks apart and/or mangles what I wrote to create a very effective diversion.


What the fuck is this coal thread




No seriously though I don't even understand what this is about or why you posted it here.


Didn't mean to sage that time.


it literally says it on the title; we as an 'rty army have to address ano-rectal violence and ano-rectal misinformation, because anorectal degeneracy on the internet is kill; it destroys peoples minds on a common sense and factual thinking basis.
Anal fantasies made up with the false misbelieving and lies of porn makes people into a tim and eric fan: dumb, stupid, sexually unreasonable (j), and kooky [Refer to >>17010 as an example ], tim and eric fans, are not good for society.
Now, considering how common ARV is on the porn industry 'n' combined with the fact that pretty much no one cares about, it makes up for a big ass ignorance wave; making people asian when it comes to human anatomy, human psychological sensibility and the sheningans Mr Tor wrote here (although you gotta take it with a BIG grain of salt). Now for some reason we've to be the ones fighting against this big jewish campaign, because no one can stop the soy.


File: 1634450443998.mp4 (5.62 MB, 1280x720, y2mate.com - SPONGEBOB CHA….mp4)


As I pointed out previously: I can't please everyone; what I posted requires certain minimum levels of English reading comprehension, attention span, and willingness to learn (e.g. consulting a dictionary for unfamiliar terms).

Others are welcome to make an attempt at creating some very short summaries for tl;dr types if they wish. That's not for me.

>misrepresentations, red herrings, and an [implicit] ad hominem
Needless to say, that is not an accurate summary. See also what I wrote about logically-fallacious diversionary tactics.


do you actually lack neurons


>we as an 'rty army have to address ano-rectal violence and ano-rectal misinformation
yeah and how are we going to do that?


who cares


what does that mean


misspelling of anecdotal




I swear to god, if someone interprets that / as an or im going to explote


ask sir tor, he's the one who wants to save the common sense lacking teens and 40 yo degens who think putting 4 cocks up your ass is painaly hot and will not affect your body in anyway


> Anyway, once again: Ultimately this is not about me. Please take action to address those important issues I've covered.
Also again ...

Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics:
• A red herring logical fallacy is a tangential topic introduced as a distraction. One _very_ common example is trying to create an irrelevant discussion about a messenger/claimant (often by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions).
• An ad hominem logical fallacy is an argument or implication that at least one supposed characteristic about a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics potentially _can be_ relevant: for example, it may be appropriate to question a person's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy may apply in that situation.)
• Misrepresentation, or introducing a distorted version of something that is presented, is another form of red herring. Attacking such a fabrication as a means to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation with one or more vague, sweeping claims for which no proof is provided may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant, so offering constructive criticism is a good idea: clear and specific, with citations if applicable.)

Purposely and repeatedly trying to divert attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal abuse, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy.

Emphasis here:
> Purposely and repeatedly trying to divert attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal abuse, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy.
Someone is evidently engaged in a smear campaign against me. I've encountered similar people (or the same person?) using the same tactics elsewhere. The aim seems to be to smear me, to waste my time by having me go in circles pointing out the same stuff over and over again, etc.


> Others are welcome to make an attempt at creating some very short summaries for tl;dr types if they wish. That's not for me.
I guess I changed my mind. If THIS is "tl;dr" for someone, well... I've already acknowledged that I can't please everyone.

All-too-common anoreceptive activities are very dangerous and highly likely to result in significant injury to a receptive person. The anorectal region's anatomy and physiology make it very unsuited for girthy and vigorous insertions (even anal stretching alone, without vigorous thrusting, is likely to cause considerable damage). Erotic anorectal violence is rampant, aided by widespread ignorance, misinformation, and disinformation about anorectal health and anatomy.

People with (self-)destructive tendencies are taking advantage of this situation. Governments worldwide are failing to educate people about related topics, to severely prosecute violent individuals, and to rein in pornography industries that have been criminally out-of-control for decades. In many cases due to factors such as delay and relocation, some violent criminals can be severely punished only by extrajudicial means not involving any government. Politicians who are or were in a position to uphold criminal justice must be held accountable when they failed to severely prosecute perpetrators of significant anorectal violence against one or more others — most especially such perpetrators who inspired countless viewers.






A new revision of the Anorectal Trends, Risks, and Anatomy compilation should be finished soon. If anyone would like a text version of the 20210101 edition without the newline text wrapping in the PDF, it can be found here: https://web.archive.org/web/202101/https://paste2.org/EUgnnPhw

Below is something that I wrote up very recently. It may become a recurring paste on its own, or it could be integrated into another one (I haven't decided yet; it could be revised further as well):

Some people, unfortunately including authors of peer-reviewed studies, do not include any anorectal penetrative acts in their definition and/or discussion of violent behavior. That is how some studies can claim e.g. that violence is uncommon in pornography: they're not even considering some anoreceptive activities that are 1) very common _especially_ in pornography, 2) undeniably violent, and 3) among the most physically dangerous (even potentially-fatal). Many people need to be made aware of the fact that many all-too-common anoreceptive activities do constitute violence and should have severe criminal implications for malicious perpetrators of such violence against one or more others.






So did you write all of this?


Yes. And I'm extremely tired of people obviously not listening when I've been at this for about fifteen years now.


But for what reason did you think people on a numale datamining shitpost website would be interested in this


To be clear, I wrote the text in that post. I didn't write the material in the references compilation. In that compilation I quote material from many others, sometimes making slight modifications such as adding clarifying brackets.


Holy gem


Refer again to what I wrote about logically-fallacious diversionary tactics. As I stated, ultimately this is not about me.

Raising awareness is the goal. That much should be obvious.


please tell me you're joking about the 15 years part
dawg, it's enough


best thread on the party right now


justify your post


No. Here is something from 2008; my earliest material about these issues (from about 2006) is unavailable from public sources so far as I'm aware:

https://web.archive.org/web/20080609040506/http://damon4.bravehost.com/ (earliest version archived: 20080227)

Anyway, that's enough about me. Many people need to focus on those important matters to which I have been trying to draw attention.


> A new revision of the Anorectal Trends, Risks, and Anatomy compilation should be finished soon.
It's done:


If anyone would like a changelog, just ask. I have a mostly-complete one that I can finish and post.


You really did put a lot of work into this lol


Changes had been planned for a while, so that shouldn't be too surprising. One significant change is that AR1-3 all provide evidence that the internal hemorrhoidal cushions lack somatic innervation, enabling inclusion of a sentence about that in the traumatic risks summary. P&I already provided evidence that the internal anal sphincter lacks somatic innervation (via PMC5221273); a statement was added to the P&I-supported paste about anal stretching potentially damaging that muscle with no pain sensation.

Anyway, here's the mostly-complete list of changes (excluding minor alterations such as slight reformatting and moving a citation block):
- Updated the parameters for many studies, providing missing date information (month and in some cases day) found on search.crossref.org
- [T&A] Updated the parameters for 10.1177/0886260518812806 and the URL for MedicineNet's article about sexual masochism
- [T&A] Dropped PMC7455048 & 10.1080/13625187.2016.1186268 & 10.1080/00224499.2014.960908
- [T&A] Reintroduced 10.1002/car.1092 and added 10.1016/j.chb.2019.01.024 & PMC7835260
- [A&T] Dropped PMC4076876
- [A&T] Added PMC7508483 & PMC1756456 & PMC2468313 & 10.1016/j.cger.2013.10.003 & 10.1126/scitranslmed.3002329
- [AR1] "[anus and] rectum" -> "[ano]rectum"
- [AR2] Dropped hxxps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/proctitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20376933 & Sexually Transmitted Infections: Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment (2011) - Page 220
- [AR2] Trimmed Coloproctology (2008) - Pages 13-14 & quoted more from PMC2710774
- [AR2] Added 10.1016/j.cgh.2012.12.020
- [AR3] Dropped the Marie Claire article quoting Drew Pinsky, M.D. & 10.1111/j.1463-1318.2009.02010.x & PMC3296437 & PMC2780087 & PMC2840903 & hxxps://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/anal-fissure
- [AR3] Added 10.1097/DCR.0b013e318245190e & Anorectal and Colon Diseases: Textbook and Color Atlas of Proctology (2003) - Page 13 & PMID 3198991 & PMC4755769 & PMC8509279
- [P&I] Trimmed PMC3104390 and moved it to the right side
- [P&I] Dropped 10.1007/s00192-015-2878-3 & PMID 2176777
- [P&I] Added 10.1016/S0716-8640(13)70161-5 & PMC3348733 & PMC4547382 & PMC4304171 & reintroduced PMC4231145


wake up babe, new anti anal g 'nda just dropped


literally saving this gem from the depths of page 8


That compilation is a "brown paper bag release" due to at least one significant issue. I should have spent more time reviewing the many changes and the introduced sources prior to finalizing it.

TL;DR: A new compilation is due soon.


Anorectal Trends, Risks, and Anatomy compilation 20211111

Compilation changes for 2021/11/11 (excluding some minor alterations):
- [T&A] Replaced 10.1016/j.mce.2017.09.010 with 10.1007/s10508-020-01730-x
- [A&T] Dropped PMC2468313 & Human Anatomy: Female Pelvis and Breast (2009) - Page 66
- [A&T] Added 10.1038/s41575-021-00487-5
- [AR2] Dropped PMC2710774 & PMC2780175 & 10.1007/s00384-009-0803-2
- [AR2] Added 10.1177/0885066613485347
- [P&I] Dropped PMC4304171 & PMC3104390
- [P&I] Added 10.1007/s10620-020-06394-0






I've seen this on both lainchan and crystal cafe, is this supposed to be an in-joke or something?


No, it's supposed to be a PSA (public service announcement) and call to action.
> lainchan
The lainchan admins and [/hum/] mods really, _really_ don't like this material. Censorship typically occurs there.
> crystal cafe
I've been thinking about creating another thread there. A thread of mine was moved from /hb/ (Health & Beauty) to /nsfw/ (a hidden board), and I'm making no more posts in the existing /nsfw/ thread unless someone else bumps it.


Which thread in the ‘fe is it?


thats quite some dedication lol


Hmm, posting from that proxy suddenly triggers the "your request looks automated" response. Weird.

It's /nsfw/ thread 5009: https://crystal.cafe/nsfw/res/5009.html



Soot pin this thread




Pin this thread


I'm curious, when do you believe that society became more accepting of sexual acts that have noreproductive value? To add, the word "sex" has become a more ambigous term, referring to sexual acts or behaviors, i.e. anal sex, oral sex, non-penatrative sex, etc. Not denying what you are saying at all, I respect your dedication, but to what benefit and to who's benefit is it to display these activities as exciting?


> when do you believe that society became more accepting of sexual acts that have noreproductive value?
1. Again, ultimately this is not about me. I'm not trying to set myself up as any sort of expert. Drawing attention to the words of others is mostly what I'm aiming to do here, along with writing accurate summaries backed up by the words of (ideally many) others. I try to favor sources in this order: peer-reviewed studies, then domain-specific (usually medical) books, then news articles and web sites. I'm trying to move away from web references entirely in the long run.
2. This isn't about erotic acts with no reproductive value in general. Rather, I'm focusing specifically on anorectal eroticism and most especially violent / objectively foolish anoreceptive activities with potential for 1) significant injury to any receptive person involved, along with 2) serious/chronic/permanent and even life-threatening consequences arising subsequent to that completely avoidable trauma.

Anyway, I recommend reading the studies and news articles present in the compilation, particularly those that are part of Trends & Associations (T&A). At the bottom of this post is an article which was included in past compilations that is relevant as well.
> To add, the word "sex" has become a more ambigous term, referring to sexual acts or behaviors, i.e. anal sex, oral sex, non-penatrative sex, etc.
Yes it has. I favor the term "erotic" for activities that are not strictly sexual (i.e., for the purpose of procreation, or at least involving only genital body parts).
> Not denying what you are saying at all, I respect your dedication, but to what benefit and to who's benefit is it to display these activities as exciting?
Please spend some time reading through at least some of those sources I have referenced (and even sources cited by them), particularly ones included in T&A. If you have questions after that, you know where to find me.

"'It really is shocking how many myths young people have about anal sex,' said Judy Kuriansky, a Columbia University professor and author of 'Sexuality Education: Past Present and Future.'"
... "[Megan Carpentier, who writes about politics and women for Jezebel.com] said the dismantling of comprehensive sex education programs in the public schools is to blame for teen ignorance about the hazards of anal sex. And it is unrealistic to expect doctors to talk to teens about this touchy topic."
... "Anal sex statistics indicate that a generational change has occurred, where people born in the 1980s and later may be more comfortable admitting to or showing interest in anal sex. [Sexuality educator Cory] Silverberg attributes interest in the behavior among heterosexuals, in part, to the proliferation of pornography in the 1990s."
hxxps://abcnews.go.com/Health/study-reports-anal-sex-on-rise-among-teens/story?id=6428003 (2008/12)


>some Tor exit nodes are banned
That's annoying (especially when I lost a post as a result). I wish this place had an onion address. Of course, I can understand reasons why that might be undesirable. Perhaps I'll try to find a proxy that doesn't elicit the "your request looks automated" response.
> completely avoidable trauma
Barring forced activity, that is. (I'm purposely avoiding the word "rape" since that can include consensual activity involving a person legally unable to give consent.)




>still not pinned
kys soot






This diamond is back






Scholars in the 'sharty?
This aint Ivy League. GET OUT!


Sheesh that's a gem


File: 1644580950293.gif (2.81 MB, 370x377, 1643516477561.gif)

>Sheesh that's a gem


major gem


bumping this gem in case y'all didn't see it




Who are you talking to?


hidden azuf gem


File: 1648379623385.png (6.46 KB, 329x101, ClipboardImage.png)

Ermmm why does it say (You)?


Soot let little jewish goblins infiltrate the sharty servers. ever since he did the revert you sometimes get random (((datamining))) jew-You's




azuf gem


Great post ?


File: 1653961719268.png (452.79 KB, 950x1019, 1652890297121.png)

>Great post ?


Strange ... I could've sworn that this thread was deleted at one point (I even noted it as a deleted thread in one file of mine in which I keep copies of noteworthy posts and thread statuses). If it was, then I guess it was undeleted. I didn't bother to check for this thread's existence and lack of a locked/bumplocked state before posting a new one a few days ago: >>30346


i can forgive but i can't forget, someday when this thread will be on the last page, i will make a unnecessary nigger coal thread to bump it off the catty so that the only thread you will have left is the shitty dead empty one


> i can forgive but i can't forget
Forgive what?

Anyway, I was and am planning to bump the new thread unless something's done to it. This thread is obsolete; the latest references compilation is 20220111, plus I've updated numerous pastes of mine as well.


Buttsex leads to having a prolapsed anus. That's basically the gist of it, with some psychology about buttsex being linked to the normalization of violence thrown-in.


> Buttsex leads to having a prolapsed anus.
There are many potential consequences, and I focus on the traumatic risks since they tend to be downplayed or even ignored in favor of STI risks. For people who still have hemorrhoidal cushions (i.e., they weren't removed) that remain more-or-less healthy, anal/hemorrhoidal prolapse is a likely consequence of anorectal violence as defined in >>16650: anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration. That is due to considerable frictional sliding, aka shear, and facilitated by the internal hemorrhoidal cushions' lack of somatic innervation (meaning the cushions and their supporting tissues can be damaged without pain).
> some psychology about buttsex being linked to the normalization of violence
That is a misrepresentation. I made these claims: 1) Anorectal violence is rampant worldwide. 2) Such violence in pornography can contribute to development of related (self-)destructive mental pathology in some viewers. 3) People with such mental pathologies are having a field day at least with anorectal violence and spreading disinformation, contributing to societal decadence.
> Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior.

> Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence.

I call that my short traumatic risks summary (which some people might nonetheless consider to be "tl;dr" as well). It has not changed since February 2021.


i don't need to read all this to know that violent ass raping is bad


"Rape" can be an ambiguous term. While common parlance defines rape solely as the absence of explicit consent, some regions may include additional considerations that render consent invalid from a legal perspective. Among those considerations on the part of one or more people involved are 1) a possibility or actual result of causing serious injury to another person, 2) the presence of a significant mental disorder, 3) the utilization of a strong mind-altering substance, and 4) the use of duress or coercion.

Anorectal violence as defined most certainly does involve a possibility of causing serious injury. Some of the possible traumatic consequences and/or subsequent sequelae can be one or more of serious (even life-threatening), chronic, and permanent. For that reason alone it ought to be very concerning that far too many people do not seem to even recognize anorectal violence as constituting violence with all of the implications such a label should invoke (including potential criminal aspects when more than one person is involved).

As for the presence of a significant mental disorder, at least a severe case of sexual masochism disorder should easily invalidate legal consent. So too should duress: Coercion is a common theme for anoreceptive activities as documented by numerous sources. That shouldn't be surprising when considering various factors that were covered relating to anorectal eroticism, including people with (self-)destructive mental pathologies being drawn most especially to anorectal violence along with pornography industries worldwide among others very strongly promoting anorectal eroticism (including anorectal violence).


> Coercion is a common theme for anoreceptive activities as documented by numerous sources.
Here are two:

"There are multiple, complex, and causal pathways between sexual violence, coercion, and fear of abuse and increased HIV risk. Violence victims often have limited ability to refuse unwanted sex and negotiate safe sex. Genital trauma during forced or unwanted intercourse can facilitate HIV transmission. Anal sex has recently emerged as an important and understudied risk mechanism. Qualitative evidence demonstrates that violence and coercion are a common context for anal intercourse, and quantitative evidence from India suggests a strong association of violence with anal sex."
"Sexual violence and HIV transmission: summary proceedings of a scientific research planning meeting." American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2013 Feb; 69(Suppl 1): 5-19. doi:10.1111/aji.12033. (PMID 23157400)

"Anal heterosex often appeared to be painful, risky and coercive, particularly for women. Interviewees frequently cited pornography as the ‘explanation’ for anal sex, yet their accounts revealed a complex context with availability of pornography being only one element. Other key elements included competition between men; the claim that ‘people must like it if they do it’ (made alongside the seemingly contradictory expectation that it will be painful for women); and, crucially, normalisation of coercion and ‘accidental’ penetration. It seemed that men were expected to persuade or coerce reluctant partners."
"Anal heterosex among young people and implications for health promotion: a qualitative study in the UK." British Medical Journal Open. 2014 Jul 18; 4(8): e004996. PMC4156810. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-004996.


coal up


TLDR buttsecks is causing the downfall of Western Civilization. We've got it boys, (((they)))'re done for.

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