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/nate/ - Coal

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Imma put my heart on ice, heart on ice
It's gettin' the best of me

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no longer using analytics software — by at 04/19/21 (Mon) 14:43:38
apologies for any concern it may have caused, i was just trying to get some general time zone and user agent information, but i understand why everyone was concerned, since the software can collect way more. as i have said before, none of the information that i collected has ever been shared with a third party, and any data that i collected with matomo has already been deleted. hope this clears things up.

no subject — by at 02/27/21 (Sat) 23:03:13
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buck broken


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ignore this post for it is for reasons not to be known

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This is so fucking arousing


who let the niggers out?

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hey soys i came here to share my lovestory fanfic about soot because...because i can okay.
>be me
>have known soot since we were 6
>he has always been ambitious about achieving goals.
>he built his first lego castle with me in kindergarden
>his mom the saweety she is would bring us juice and snaks. my favorite was indefinately the ice cream afterwards
>we go to elementary together then get into my first altercation with a girl because she grabbed his balls and i was right there plus wouldnt stan up to that shit. i knocked her out and said "dont touch my jewels" hehe. got me suspended for a whole week where i would play minecraft to build a castle for soot.
>soot says sheesh it was just a joke you didnt have to knock her out, i responded "yeah she needed milk and cookies after that she was pretty much asleep"
>we lmao kek kek XD together.
>finally were in highschool.
>start vaping jools with soot in the stairway next to the hallway before class. it was like a dream. soot would always pass me the soyhc jool to give me a buzz.
>become sophmores. soot introduces me to azuf, fal, kuz, max, dean, the whole soy squad. i felt like i wa part of something hugh mungus.
>junior year he joins football, im cheer captain
>soot it bustin his back trying to get a four point gpa so he can go to yale for football.
>senior year he makes soyboy.party
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Obsessed, not every coal post is me




Nooooooooo! So sorry for saging your post didn't mean it 🥺 (๑´•. • `๑)





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By then I realize
There's just one door
One door, unlocked

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As its temple and its victim
My blood runs on marble floors
Just like some insane circulation
Back into my corroded heart

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What a shame, this was a good site, what a rotten way to die.



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