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/giga/ - Gigachad

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1646192486553.webm (2.1 MB, 480x854, 1639686592707.webm)


its out
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show me proof that this clearly fabricated video ever took place, oh wait you can’t.


It's not my job to educate you


this is why the average american feels completely disillusioned with people like you. you can’t even back up your claim, show me proof that 'cado getting fucked was projected onto a skyscraper you elitist piece of shit


File: 1646233857843.jpg (7.16 KB, 143x255, 1646192486553.jpg)

it's a site that replaces greenscreens with whatever image/video you want


wow, seems like the leftists are now the ones getting debunked. fuck off cadocrat

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File: 1646207834915-1.jpg (94.15 KB, 640x850, fjfjf.jpg)


/gigacado/ however

File: 1646176680713.png (913.9 KB, 1400x788, Screen_Shot_2021-06-25_at_….png)


BREAKING NEWS: The pig of Ukraine(formerly known as Nikocado Avocado) went behind Russian lines and ate up gigacoal in one bite then apparently said "/cado/ board tho"


Holy based

File: 1646098370029.jpg (129.78 KB, 1242x1394, ErhzmPvW4AcKrEM.jpg)


Dubs get gf
Trips get bf

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I wipe my cock


File: 1646097812217.jpg (292.15 KB, 828x831, 1636053488868.jpg)

I rinse it in the sink

File: 1645919838977.png (336.02 KB, 780x526, 1645919117437.png)


Is she right, /zel/?


im having trouble deciding whos more powerful in the braindead nigger cattle barely alive golem department reddit or twitter users


Idk, but I wish there was a place on the internet without talking about this pointless war caused by one ussr-nostalgic retard. ;_;


File: 1646092690717.png (17.04 KB, 632x756, 1592521766230.png)

>Hrmph. I just HATE living through historical events.


Redditors will accept whatever united states department propaganda is given to them without question. Twitter is gay but there are small groups of people with slight critical thinking abilities

File: 1646089224290.gif (3.18 MB, 324x640, 1635207643735.gif)


/cado/ board tho


can someone post the two videos of the shapes containing photos of his ass & dick moving around along with the music, I want to spam them on /pol/


File: 1646089512555.gif (3.85 MB, 640x640, 1642516870366.gif)

why do people want /cado/ when /giga/ already IS /cado/


File: 1646089564524.mp4 (2.21 MB, 720x720, 61fa5ad0f06c10002f0fcbda.mp4)

cadobros to the rescue

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what does this have to do with gigachad


which repo is it? mpv?


sir this is someone's profile
this has nothing to do with any of the boards so i posted here to imply he is a chad

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>I don't want to be insensitive here as I don't understand alot of the younger generation things but as far as I'm concerned this channel is known for it's elaborate running in crowd jokes. Is the fella in the dress one of these in crowd jokes I'm not getting? Plz don't be mad for ask.

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