Don't believe me? Try this experiment: get into an argument with a furry, disparage the furries, then say this: "Protogen".
Like clockwork, he will then call you a furry, perhaps using some rhetorical query such as "how do you know what a protogen is if you aren't a furry"
Sometimes, it is not even required to use components of their dialect in order to elicit a "closet furry" accusation. Even just disparaging them will sometimes trigger them to call you one of them.
Now you may wonder: Why does Wise Sage know what a protogen is
Your answer, a furry cringe compilation.
I have a theory about how furries are controlled by an extraterrestrial intelligence and that the entities they call "protogens" are some type of borg entity, but that's not the main topic of this schizopost yet.
Furries use "you're one of us" as a smear or simply to irritate or, if they repeat it enough to someone who isn't resilient against it, to assimilate.
For having read this, you are a furry according to that logic. I know that is patently false, even if you may be thinking "sage is a furry", you do not consider yourself one. Neither do I, but the furries have psyop'd you into thinking that anyone who knows about furry BS through whatever osmosis is also a furry.
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