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/webm/ - Videos and GIF

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File: 1647986122582.mp4 (6.72 MB, 640x360, 3097353-831ec331e9b7734435….mp4)




sides are in orbit!
>the troon in extreme mental distress
normal people do not have this reaction


Yikes, cringe af




Mean bullying


I lost this video and was looking for a copy




Gem + rubypolished.


who the fuck are you tripfag


Newfaggot from /int/


video fake af doe
who would overlay a video over the webcam?


>video fake af doe
about what was the troon distressed, then? sauce?


coal but gem


File: 1652024333432.mp4 (2.26 MB, 198x360, 1651957433762[1].mp4)


File: 1652026518308.mp4 (391.81 KB, 416x416, Cringe red button.mp4)

*coal yet rubypolished


does someone have fullhd version where it shows his twitch chat hugboxing his ass and telling transphobes to fuck off saying that he will go famous soon?


does anyone have the original clip before it was streamed (assumingly on twitch), recorded and recompressed?



nigger death


File: 1654174912358.png (275.12 KB, 2048x2048, turtle beard.png)

>nigger death

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