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File: 1624637066165.png (7.34 KB, 225x225, cutie.png)

 No.1570[View All]

50 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Stop impersonating me.


You ARE a transbian sweaty


File: 1626295655459.jpeg (7.47 KB, 226x223, descarga (13).jpeg)


Chad Deo Vindice here, LMFAOOOOO. You guys got baited so fucking easly kek
The last time I saw people seething like this for a shitty comment was in Plebbit
Y'all plebbitors tho


File: 1626295728839.png (223.05 KB, 1088x2475, 1626203436599.png)

>descarga (13).jpeg


cope larpagan


Dilate harder you Crogaytian fed


why are yall being racist though?


meds the croatian left a long time ago


why are you moroccan


File: 1626296044310.png (166.62 KB, 1051x842, kysfaggot.png)



File: 1626296096108.png (1.33 MB, 2934x1738, 1624389473595.png)

Because Morocco is gay therefore he is Moroccan bc he is gay


Coal groyper-esqe channel thread
Go suck some more rabbi cock


just yikes, of course you're Hinojosa homophobic too.


File: 1626296132047.png (14.63 KB, 571x457, 461.png)



lol i made this


Yeah I'm the Spaniard anon who made that thread


Moroccan here, stop blaming me for everything


Cry harder, we will keep blaming every stupid comment on (((YOU)))


File: 1626296268436.png (11.58 KB, 600x800, 7780716e1a5725264c03320.png)

> 461.png


File: 1626296312302.png (12.25 KB, 427x400, coperedditnigger.png)



fail kys fucking retard


File: 1626296334073.png (64.33 KB, 700x597, dc14eb7473f4b1567cde3f20ac….png)



I will do when you leave soyjak.party and go back to Reddit


i am not from reddit though


Reddit site, fuck off 4Cuck


Massive Fail


You are acting like one, especially when you say "take your meds"
If I have not made it clear, I confirm it. I'm a schizo


File: 1626296486927.png (396.02 KB, 680x665, 163c29d65597358188f46e32c0….png)

>Reddit site, fuck off 4Cuck


And I will never "take meds" because that's for trannies like you


Lol that's my meme on that phone!!!


Cope Reddit nigger


File: 1626296617834.png (12.62 KB, 640x666, 1604721570927.png)

>Dark... i like it


JewTube shoah'd my video mocking (((Samuel)))




who are you quoting? and who even looks like that?


He is quoting >>1963





File: 1626296827661.jpg (48.9 KB, 399x443, jiggaboo.jpg)



who are you quoting?


I'm quoting your mom to have sex with her this night


so youre not quoting anyone? take your fucking meds.


That's for trannies tho


She only sleeps with BLACK AFRICAN warriors though


soyjak.party is mad over me kek


File: 1626815558186.jpg (10.35 KB, 200x252, OIP (78).jpg)

nobody cares actually


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I changed my pfp


File: 1631032806624.jpg (119.47 KB, 1400x1400, 1630936828712.jpg)

Spanish Twink got BTFO hard


Romanian coal


holy shit this is already 4 months ago?
time flies sheesh

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