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File: 1649214055136.jpg (78.08 KB, 1751x740, Vi and Catalin.jpg)


How did Arcane do it without feeling forced or uncomfortable!! Why do I want Vi to put a strap on and plow her?!


Singed won


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i like cute punchy girl


troon game + troon movie + i run down midlane and spam arabic every game you can't stop me


File: 1649216200035.png (100.12 KB, 645x770, 8167 - angry bloodshot_eye….png)

go convert to arabic you moslem


Extreme levels of based


File: 1649216602865.jpeg (20.15 KB, 1021x574, external-content.duckduck….jpeg)

the british ping pong can die tho


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I like crazy girl.


You will never have sex, stay an incel


I won't always give sharty, leave chads


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you will always be the kind of person to demoralize on an imageboard. you will never have human species skull shape.


I only do this to people who play league of legends tho. We are all gonna make it except for moba players


oh okay


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File: 1649488243072.png (1.17 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

>oh okay


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Vi(olette) from Arcane is LATINX!


File: 1649554548077.png (113.97 KB, 830x742, soy lemonjak glowie.png)

>on netflix
>they talk about gender and faggotry

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