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/tv/ - Television & Film

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1635478433057.png (35.75 KB, 454x520, tomselleckjak.png)


>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635478859057.png (12.57 KB, 452x375, 1635348374602.png)

>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635480362097.png (15.39 KB, 306x520, 4224.png)

>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635480414819.png (55.17 KB, 800x1024, 162808412543.png)

>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635480496793.png (16.19 KB, 306x520, AA.png)

>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635480686890.png (30.55 KB, 767x1199, 1632873847234.png)

>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635480858171.jpg (528.71 KB, 3200x3200, soyyos.jpg)

>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635481111995.png (46.09 KB, 533x419, 1635474860470.png)

>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635481209944.jpg (508.3 KB, 3200x3200, kajjak.jpg)

>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635481288322.gif (392.42 KB, 343x400, 1625045433423.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635481322146.gif (31.86 KB, 112x112, lastjak.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635481642417.png (193.13 KB, 708x800, 1635474860473.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635481667707.gif (672.63 KB, 400x327, hiagain.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635481827664.gif (2.85 MB, 600x600, 16347965484939.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635482123687.gif (398.19 KB, 200x200, 3dgifmaker30511.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635482189947.png (263.67 KB, 785x1000, 1635474560820.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635482504840.png (43.9 KB, 644x800, newjaker.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635482585482.png (176.86 KB, 582x782, 16113750293418.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635482631838.gif (140.11 KB, 200x200, yh.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635482793998.jpg (245.05 KB, 280x9944, 1606186215193.jpg)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635482864984.png (137.79 KB, 600x800, 1635478304450.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635482915988.jpg (52.87 KB, 522x537, 92698d951d27c134adee9a10b5….jpg)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635483048507.jpg (1.19 MB, 2328x3128, upsizedbyAIjak.jpg)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635483262331.jpg (107.71 KB, 640x590, 1600000982898.jpg)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635483324572.jpg (71 KB, 500x620, 1634817452679.jpg)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635483436043.gif (356.4 KB, 251x338, 1265252054270.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635483576348.png (121.77 KB, 1500x1500, trekjak(fixed pip).png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635483642652.png (196.54 KB, 600x578, 1633074786172-1.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635483771045.png (105.19 KB, 537x578, 1635327837726.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635483860478.jpg (29.07 KB, 474x499, 1632795207556.jpg)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635484096286.png (522.1 KB, 600x1273, 1690495752151.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


samefag duel




File: 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)

>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
>samefag duel


File: 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)

> Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


Now expert 'jakkers are samefags?
Expected from newfags




>Nooooooooooo! you must like my samecoaler thread or you are a le Newfag!!!!


Nigga, you have any Proof that this is a samefag thread?


File: 1635485199042.png (276.5 KB, 2000x2000, 1635457988324.png)

>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635485427702.gif (1.12 MB, 800x600, 1734076530294.gif)

>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635485702518.jpg (26.39 KB, 378x378, doobieboi420.jpg)

>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635485844383.jpg (128.3 KB, 608x856, 1635295575596.jpg)

>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635485937686.png (96.39 KB, 430x328, 1635484432426.png)

>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635486034944.png (112.21 KB, 523x731, 1593242641341.png)

>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635486230727-0.png (111.98 KB, 720x588, 1635344705662.png)

File: 1635486230727-1.png (97.01 KB, 720x588, 1635344705672.png)

>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635486282341.png (287.82 KB, 785x1000, 1267593730.png)

>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635486433938.jpg (128.66 KB, 1011x1238, coffeejak.jpg)

>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635486633225.png (142.08 KB, 584x666, 1630581164346.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635486703665.gif (912.29 KB, 371x371, samefagduel.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635486798553.gif (298.49 KB, 400x312, 1568052873.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635486872715-0.png (669.33 KB, 1024x1024, noninverted.png)

File: 1635486872715-1.png (832.59 KB, 1024x1024, inverted.png)

File: 1635486872715-2.gif (58.37 KB, 200x200, bloodyjak.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635487084292.png (320.64 KB, 344x655, 1627563074478-2.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635487159159.png (32.54 KB, 1400x1400, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lo….png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635487302218.png (12.85 KB, 478x583, 1628613958716.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635487433583.gif (1.15 MB, 200x200, >forgetting>.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635487697838.gif (799.66 KB, 294x360, 1608745338433.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635487899026.gif (212.77 KB, 328x400, soygulp.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635488039246.gif (445.04 KB, 372x400, 1013b175-185a-4765-b52e-bc….gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635488144159.jpg (66.35 KB, 512x512, paintjak01.jpg)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635488237022.gif (603.7 KB, 298x400, 632badc8-c594-432b-8f4a-6b….gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635488345536.jpg (33.88 KB, 512x512, paintjak02.jpg)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635488436225.png (181.48 KB, 800x800, 1628274246562.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635488652737.gif (1.22 MB, 400x301, 8ddd848a-0bfc-4642-802d-d9….gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635488785308.gif (512.72 KB, 400x400, 1657097473236.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635488944221.gif (1.08 MB, 1080x476, stopduelingmetomselleck.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635489082154.gif (1.76 MB, 3610x475, 1627932105373.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635489336640.png (5.91 KB, 300x310, 1635481866247.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo


File: 1635489552054.png (117.61 KB, 2048x1538, 1630882609848.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635489729205.png (8.57 KB, 153x520, a24half.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635489904217.gif (1.34 MB, 989x1186, 1629890642651.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


File: 1635489966484.png (154.84 KB, 2048x1538, 2jaks.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...


stop already you obsessed samefag


File: 1635490203981.png (169.91 KB, 1000x800, Chicken.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
>stop already you obsessed samefag


File: 1635490284737.png (70.45 KB, 1280x853, 1839 - country flag glasse….png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
>>stop already you obsessed samefag


File: 1635490622399.gif (573.17 KB, 400x300, 1673046493256.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
>>>stop already you obsessed samefag


File: 1635490767237.gif (180.2 KB, 200x200, earthandthemoon.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
>>>>>stop already you obsessed samefag


File: 1635490905623.png (160.88 KB, 639x591, 1633374786172.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
>>>>>>stop already you obsessed samefag


File: 1635491080250.gif (334.83 KB, 235x400, 6d28364e-d153-4d3a-891b-c5….gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
>>>>>>>stop already you obsessed samefag


File: 1635491505295.gif (694.16 KB, 400x314, 16286139587016.gif)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
>>>>>>>>stop already you obsessed samefag


File: 1635491566686.png (329.31 KB, 692x1020, wholesome12.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
>>>>>>>>>stop already you obsessed samefag


File: 1635491805877.png (375.69 KB, 692x1020, burnsoot.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 10 minutes ago No.2841
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484489061.gif (28.82 KB, 500x427, 16840537388243.gif)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud 1 minute ago No.2840
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635484345312.png (122.35 KB, 537x578, helloagain2.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chud Just now No.2835
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>File (hide): 1635483976892.png (188.14 KB, 850x578, png.png)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
>>>>>>>>>>stop already you obsessed samefag


File: 1635492465166.gif (2.44 MB, 428x428, 1635044635872.gif)

I cannot duel anymore


this nigga just quote himself 😆😆😅😅


File: 1635538726174.jpg (60.38 KB, 570x700, 16acbd96c7ec88237d4f5a1c50….jpg)

Tom was a Chad, however

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