low effort chud threads are being spammed pretty regularly lately therefore not garnering much interaction
meta posts are god-awful good job
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>Chud 3 minutes ago No.673112
>Was going to make a god-awful post on purpose but then I started thinking.
>If I posted a soyjak and said ">I HATE NIGGERS, BLACKS, AND JEWS!" it would be taken as a serious soypost.
>If I posted a chudjak and said ">I DON'T HATE NIGGERS, BLACKS, AND JEWS!", I would maybe get one troonjak reply just because of the image.
>Why is that, bros?
>Chud 1 minute ago No.673114>>673118
>low effort chud threads are being spammed pretty regularly lately therefore not garnering much interaction
>Chud 58 seconds ago No.673118
>Chud 54 seconds ago No.673120
>meta posts are god-awful good job
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