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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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i wanna start smoking cigarettes. where can i get them (not 21)


there's always some secluded space in highschools where you can find dealers


so i’ll have to ask some nasty ppl


>get yourself hooked on nicotine before your brain even finishes developing
don't do this


ask a hobo. always make sure to tip the change and be respectful.


*ask a hobo to buy them for you
i mean


steal dad's


kys teen


There are websites you can buy them with crypto


Damn you gotta be 21 now? That's fucked up


If you are reading this post all niggers will live within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 20 other threads. I'm so, so sorry, please forgive me.


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Little chuddy
Give us TND
Gas all the kikes who have been quarantined
From niggers we will have to stay distant
We'll eat the horse paste and be more resistant!
lil chuddy
give me a sproke
they say you're selfish but your commitment to the white races is no joke
I'm so tired of kikies
Lil chuddy gas them for me!
(This undoes the nigger curse)


find a dirty run down gas station run by some indian/chinaman
know what you want and walk in confidently
if they ask for your ID, pretend to check your pockets and say "oh shit, I forgot it..."
If they don't give them to you just say "okay thank you"

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