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Anyone have a link to an Anarchists cookbook unedited PDF?


may i ask why a chud would need it?


to learn how to defend disabled POC of color in the upcoming race war


File: 1643103130035.jpg (166.24 KB, 1024x1180, 4chankilledaguy.jpg)

inb4 OP kills himself


thats based then, but i dont think i have it


Look it up online chuddie(with tor)
That or libgen, they're all outdated as hell but whatever floats your boat


File: 1643229960326.pdf (1003.97 KB, the_anarchists_cookbook.pdf)


>>2716 thanks m8
what about george orwell 1984


You can buy that at a bookstore for a few bucks, that shouldn't be hard to get at all



Sook (soy book) when?


in 2109

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