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/r/ - Requests

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1636248853134.png (25.82 KB, 600x800, sad soyjak very sad crying….png)


does anyone have that old "schwayed" infographic? it was introduced as a term to compete with "keyed." i NEED it for my collection, and if its posted I have some great oc in store for you. thank you.


File: 1636249216382.png (24.17 KB, 1500x1500, 187 - angry glasses open_m….png)

>You WILL post the schwayed infographic.
>You WILL help your fellow 'yakkers
>You WILL be happy


File: 1636249350245.mp3 (3.13 MB, 05 Thee 9 Is Up.mp3)


File: 1636249479271.png (306.78 KB, 800x1724, 1609301521315.png)

from the 'chive


this from /tv/?


it's the only one I could find using keywords on the qa archive
sorry if it's not the original


nope, that’s it, thank you


what's wrong with helping 'jakkers, though


I prefer keyd


The other one is retarded

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