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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1654558541782-0.webm (1.1 MB, 768x576, 1653419888223 CO2 negativ….webm)

File: 1654558541782-1.webm (3.36 MB, 852x480, 1653195222341 we_are_fuck….webm)


what's the sharty's position on environmentalism? are we fucked or is it a globalhomo scam?


chinks are soulless automatons who can only consume matter and jews straight up hate nature, it's over.


It's gay and CO2 is based (free food for plants also).


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The only way to stop environmental collapse is state-mandated population control; but neither leftists, liberals, or neocons are willing to enact it, so we're basically just gonna go extinct like Malthus predicted. We might have a chance of correcting it if a pro-eugenics white nationalist party gets into control, but Jews and their sycophants have spent the last few decades trying to make that impossible.


abortion is a start in the right direction but sadly white christians just banned that in some states so no more aborted nigger babies


I agree, but why you gotta use that VPN bot flag?



internal combustion engines are based fr fr


>The only way to stop environmental collapse is state-mandated population control;
Heh, remember that Hitler was an environmentalist?


Yes, and it was based.


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I don’t believe there is a way we can save the environment at this point. I mean, people are so brainwashed that they think that something as common sense as "overpopulation is bad" is evil and eugenics.


these are the same people that cry about bill gates "trying to kill them" with the covid vaccine


i think its based tho i would do the same if i was billy


I’m not a Qtard however.

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