People who are ostracized and abused at home, school, or work often turn to violence to vent their frustrations. You are focusing too much on political ideology, which is ultimately superficial, and not enough on the root causes behind this behaviour.
>>29428leftoids do the same thing with guns. they don't care about what might be root causes. just take the guns away because of fear.
>>29429Take away a troubled mans weapons and he will still commit violence, it will just be in the form of self-abuse and suicide instead.
>>29426 (OP)A lot of people who call themselves "right wingers" have no remotely consistent set of values and just turn their life frustrations against who they feel most offended at at the moment.
The root cause is they truly have nothing to live for; no friends, no family, no God, no shining community or nation, and so they delude themselves into the nearest magical schizo cope floating on the interwebs, which they then turn into the core of their existence.
This is not much about left and right, and more about complete disillusion with life and humanity.
>>29426 (OP)I like how it's comparatively less full of filthy low-IQ shitskins and isn't a tankie Orwellian commie shithole like China (despite you and Jews' constant attempts to make it that way).
Basically we don't want to be subjected to the whims of billions of niggers via a global government, and we don't want those niggers coming here while you take our guns so we can't defend ourselves and brainwash toddlers into becoming troons.
>>29431Maybe you just can't comprehend what a good society looks like because you lived in a shithole beaner country all your life.
>>29430that seems more acceptable
>>29426 (OP) They want to live out their LARP, that's about it. Not that left-wingers are any better. They're both trash.
>>29426 (OP)Wasn't this on Leftypol? I told you guys they are doing the raiding
>>29426 (OP)it's just omegamale cope. they can't get laid so they cry about birth rates and blame da joos instead of the fact they would struggle to provide for a goldfish, let alone a stable family. none of these mass shooters have been established or successful individuals. just pussyless dorks who decided to lash out.
>>29489>Lol the disintegration of society making losers is just their own fault! No need to actually wonder why we live in a society packed to the brim with these isolated losers, just smugly dismiss the process of alienationLeftists can't even play their own game of materialist analysis. They end up tripping themselves, faceplanting on top of capitalist dick and sucking it to completion 100% of the time, which is why nobody ever takes them seriously. Did it ever occur to you to use dialectic materialism to investigate this (rapidly increasing) phenomena instead of just calling the guy an incel? He is, and there are record numbers of them all of a sudden. The right addresses this obvious trend, the left ignores it (even though they are supposed to have solutions for this).
>>29490you don't have to be left aligned to understand these dudes are fuck ups who place an inordinate amount of blame on the wrong things.
shooting a bunch of no name black people at a grocery store will solve zero problems in society, our culture, or your life. even if you are a rightoid nationalist, you're better off focusing on self improvement and making as many white babies as you can, not sperging out and shooting up a mosque.
the leftist version of this is those retards who try to molotov cop cars then end up going to prison for decades. just children lashing out, no praxis, nothing changed. good job on catching charges comrade, i guess. you sure showed them
>>29492>>29493>>29494bot department
See you're not listening. Did I say they placed the blame correctly? No. But clearly there's a reason why we have insane amounts of social disintegration and it's accelerating. We'll soon reach a runaway emergent process, as Nick Land often points out. I 100% agree that the better action by far would be concentrating on self-improvement and growing a family/neighborhood. The left seems intent on pushing the "abolishment" and sources of disintegration, though.
As for the jewish thing... Are all jews evil? I kind of tend to think not. But do an absolutely alarming portion of the capitalists/bureaucracy just happen to have dual loyalty to a specific little country on the Mediterranean coast? That's an undeniable fact and one that the left is absolutely incapable of addressing.
>>29495my bad, it kept giving me time out errors
>>29496i wouldn't even worry about the left, honestly. at least the western left. it's entirely dysgenic. they don't want families, and many of them (namely the anarchists) don't even want to work. i say this as a person who openly considers himself a communist- the west will belong to the right in a matter of generations, most likely. one of the many successes of the cia, if you ask me. they've been killing our leaders and thinkers for decades. now all that's left is idpol obsessed cat ladies and trannies.
>>29498Ha yeah. "An anarchist is a man who always accomplishes the opposite of what he sets out to do."
>>29493Buffalo was a Fed op to get 4chan banned.
>>29498It will most likely just be controlled by neoliberal Jews like it is now. Leftoids would rather help turd-worlders and Jews over their own blood. The refusal of white dissidents to unite just means the centrist NPCs win.
>>29493>shooting a bunch of no name black people at a grocery store will solve zero problems in society, our culture, or your life. even if you are a rightoid nationalist, you're better off focusing on self improvement and making as many white babies as you can, not sperging out and shooting up a mosque.This is EXACTLY what these glow ops are about. To successfully disarm a movement, the state has to associate it with terrorism. Kikes know that all it takes to win is to have control over people's heads and how they perceive the world around them. Making citing crime statistics, race realism, even being remotely pro-white grounds for being considered a terrorist is their master plan.
>you're better off focusing on self improvement and making as many white babies as you can, True, and I'd even go so far as to say people who consider themselves natsoc or right wing that don't shouldn't be involved in the movement at all. It automatically filters out trannies and posers.
>>29502we consider neoliberalism right wing. don't personally care if the capitalists above me are jews or white nationalists. makes zero difference
>>29510So, do you consider trannies mentally ill? And would like to not have them spread that illness onto children?
>>29501>Im catching a chudj-ACK!!GEM
>>29511yes and yes. though i don't believe them being mentally ill is really a matter of debate- gender dysphoria is recognized as a mental illness. they just think taking hormones and mutilating their crotch is "treating" it.
the whole gender thing has the smell of a social contagion to me, personally. like teen girls who spend too much on tiktok developing tics and convincing themselves they have tourettes. it's best to not encourage this kind of behavior, in my opinion.
falling back on marxism, materialism is generally the name of the game. gender is specifically unmoored in reality- it's all about personal ideology and how one perceives the self. not exactly something i feel the need to endorse.
now, why is it so popular among the left in general? aside from the usual bleeding heart tendencies of people who fall on that side of the spectrum, i don't quite know. i will admit that, sadly, i'm in the minority when it comes to this topic. putting on my tin foil hat, it wouldn't surprise me at all if this was an effort by the cia or powers-that-be to further divide the left and distract the working class. one more purity test, one more wedge issue.
>>29516Do you think the state should use force to punish people for "mis-gendering"?
Ameristani civil war itt
why mutts unable to have good takes on politics it seems?
>>29552no, that's retarded.
>>29612>le systemic racism so such thing radlib
>>29612don't you think that neoliberal whites are also oppressing white people? most of the american government are still "white" by american standards
>>29613It really does exist for whites though. Universities, corporations, and often the state implement racial quotas that exclude whites. Pic related for example; you can't really explain it away as random chance, or Jews being superhuman. There's also tons of anti-white idpol produced by Jewish-owned media corporations.
>>29614Many neoliberal whites do because they buy into & support the "wypipo ebil" idpol. However, I support an explicitly pro-white fascist state being in power that would filter for and punish those types of whites, or would at least exclude them from power structures.
radlibs and natsoys are two sides of the same oppression Olympics coin
>>29616You're intentionally ignoring material reality. Not very Marxist of you.
>>29617Who said I'm a marxist? I'm a fascist, I just don't buy into nordicism or half baked Illuminati spin offs
>>29618You're a troll playing word games.
>>29426 (OP)You answered your own question. It ain't much but it's home. They wanna fix it instead of watch it turn more and more into charred dogshit. If you don't know what modernity is or why the present is changing in a hyperbolic manner, then sorry you're just too dumb to be thinking about this
>>29613Of course it's a thing, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. It's just that if all the major bodies of power, both public and private, are denouncing the race that supposedly is in power and doing all the bad things... that means that it's really a different one, and they're just lying to obfuscate. Don't get trapped into disavowing the truth of your own senses just because you're afraid of doing the same thing libs sometimes do except in a different way. Hypocrisy is meaningless.
>>29616Read Carl Schmitt. Friend/enemy distinction is important if you want to actually do anything. You're just shooting yourself in the foot if you are saying "buh buhh DUH DOYYY we can't point out when our people are being wronged by another people! That's just like what the libs do DUHHH"
>>29624Where are the laws in place that prevents [insert identity here] from entering positions of power like the police or political office?
>>29510They're nearly all jews though for the record lmao but yeah don't even worry about that, it's not worth considering.
>>29628Appealing to legality is bullshit. Don't act like this is a country of laws
Oh my god can you commies just stop the "we hate idpol!" charade and become natsoc already, the majority of the left already hates you for not being on board with gay marriage and blm. You will never be taken seriously.
>>29558Same shit is coming very soon to your country if we fail, so have fun with that
>>29630That's what systemic racism means though
>>29631Plus, it's just practical. Say one ethnicity holds most of the banks and resources necessary for class struggle. What's going to motivate the proles more effectively:
>A.) Tell them to just run those people outta town and take their stuff or>B.) Get them to read 1,000 dusty tomes of theory written by 1800s pedophilesA is just a better tactic. Who cares if it's not actually because of their race, most of the bankers are still jewish
>>29633>Thinks that laws are the only thing governing US institutions and ignores that all the institutions that matter are private and make their own rules, ALWAYS including racial quotasYou're a lolbertarian 18 year old aren't you
>>29634True, most of the wehrmacht didn't agree with the final solution.
>>29635>i say there is not systemic racism >you say there is >i ask where >adhom such is the life of a natsoy. Read Giovanni Gentile
>>29637that's literally an ad hominem lol
>>29638ad hominem website
>>29638nigger laws are a meme for plebs.
There are people controlling banks, industry and media who tell you that laws exist while they sit on their asses and print unlimited fiat money that goes into their pockets, they don't even need to fucking work, they just print money and it's fine lmao. And probably feel like gods among lesser humans, nothing can touch them, the police in their pockets.
I'm not saying it's different here it's how virtually every country functions safe for the eurozone where shit is EVEN MORE RETARDED because politicians in EU are just puppets for the financial elite from all of the EU, and commoners are just meat, their opinion is not relevant.
If you can't wrap your head around this simple thing and still think what they say on TV is truth then seriously go fuck yourself CHUD SOYCUCK DUMB MOTHERFUCKER I HATE YOU KILL URSELF
>>29660>words words wordsstfu tranny
>>29628Just because the state declares that it's illegal to deny somebody a state position based on their race, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Some Jew pencil-pusher sitting in an office sees "white male" on an application form and chooses to ignore it, who's to know? There's also a ton of entryism in politics, especially the higher up the ranks you go. If you don't have support of major Jewish capital, then you can't get funding or ad money; Jewish media owners refuse to platform you, etc.
>>29631I browse /leftypol/ occasionally and it's got a lot of idpol. Many of them are clearly butthurt about "white people" and "imperialism" and they use the term "cracker" a lot and cry about US police killing crackhead niggers who shoot at them first. If you squint hard enough, it reads like Tariq Nasheed twitter.
IDK why white communists think they can totally divorce themselves and the world around them from idpol, or why they think they won't get MUGABE'd after helping millions of turd-worlders flood white countries and install a tankie dictatorship.
>>29681why are niggers so stupid and worthless bro? it just doesn't make sense
>>29629It's weird because leftoids are more than willing to criticize Zionism (because shitskins being oppressed triggers them harder than anything); but you can't for the life of you get them to do an objective analysis of Jewish power in white countries and how Jews actively suppress white people - it causes something in their NPC programming to malfunction. It's likely to do something OP mentioned, many of them just have an inherent traitorous streak in them and think along the lines of "I don't care if whites suffer because the West bad and hurt my pet shitskins decades ago." They're willing to be anti-egoistic and self-destructive just to "own the fash".
>>29681I have heard from some commies that they dislike leftypol due to its reddit tier moderation, which makes sense given anything that isn't nigger worship or gender identity coal wouldn't be "woke enough". I remember a while ago some tankie image where a black and white guy who were fighting each other gang up on a leering capitalist to symbolize class struggle; commies believe that race was invented to justify economic inequality. Of course, you would rather be around a poor white guy than a hood rat that will mug you for all its worth. I don't hate communists necessarily, At least the real ones and not the tranny antifa ones. I just think they are deluded morons who should be putting energy into my movement instead of wasting time on an archaic Jewish pyramid scheme who even the jews have abandoned by now.
>>29705there's no such thing as labor-left in western countries
>>29706true, quality of life is so high they don't need them
>>29709 hence why all leftists are troons and leftypol is a gay larp site