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/nate/ - Coal

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Chud 2 minutes ago No.343433>>343437>>343438
I don't know much about kiwi farms but doesn't null have a history of helping out other people with these types of websites? Why not try to get in contact with null for whatever kuckz is offering?

Chud Just now No.343436>>343443
He isnt, your deliberately taking his words out of context. Hes saying that the cp spam is caused by people talking about cp, and if people dont stop talking about im trans btw, they wont stop talking about cp

Fuck you and fuck your gaslighting and attempts to portray him as a pedophile

Chud Just now No.343437>>343440
you mean like how he "helped" with 8cuck? fucking lmao

Chud Just now No.343438>>343442
even if he wanted to host us (he wont because we spam other sites he's aligned with) the 'ty would be constantly down due to DDoS attacks on his network and the hosting you could buy from him is gone. maybe cockbox would work but romanian laws might be more strict than german ones idk

Chud 02/16/22 (Wed) 06:06:09 No.343440
he killed 8cuck because it was racist and full of cp and nazi content, cope chud

Chud (You) 02/16/22 (Wed) 06:06:16 No.343441
>>343430 (You)
Stop posting this

Chud 02/16/22 (Wed) 06:06:16 No.343442
romanian laws are lax, nothing is more cancer than german laws
t. knows

Chud 02/16/22 (Wed) 06:06:30 No.343443
hi im trans btw

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