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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Got a two lane bowling alley up in the truck
And on the other side a bed if she wantin' to fuck
Clap off lights when you gettin' affection
Clap on lights when you finding protection
Now where in the wide, wide world of gator
Can you find another truck with a plush elevator?

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really fun honestly
full of humour and multiple endings
custom music and art
made with scratch


make him make a jak dating game next


making all of the characters into soyjaks when


Virus no click

File: 1644633447697.jpg (84.57 KB, 1080x1266, 1582013136401.jpg)


>elo hell? sorry i'm in elo heaven my counterstrike, league and valorants ranks are actually higher then they should be because i always get matched with good teammates

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Start using this board


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why should i use this board?


Ok but not you tho


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Anyone else hype for the Ahri ASU dropping soon?
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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I don't look or act like that, though.


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Stop being transphobic


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>Stop being transphobic


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>Video Games

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What is the 'jakker opinion on terrywadders? Gem or coal?




gem so true the toys would rape it

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>Dig out old 3ds
>Turn on
>There's this weird grey smudge burn in on the top lcd


File: 1644555203521.png (514.06 KB, 698x698, 1613717186317.png)

>you can buy replacement LCDs on aliexpress for cheap anon


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>the ai is bugged i am trapped with them you can get him now
>nooooo how dare you give up after 3 hours trying to 1v1 as one single creature that is meant to work in groups vs someone with infinite ammo who blasts you on sight you should have won that you are a fucking disgrace to the hunter community


Name 1 game where this happens


resident evil 6


ESL coal


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>ESL coal



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funny because its true


is there any more undeservedly elitist music genre than dadrock? 99% of it is just braindead dudeweedlmaobros plingplonging their instruments at random, while their fans pretend that this is "high brow" entertainment


>is there any more undeservedly elitist music genre than dadrock
Anything experimental


more like 2020s jak sharties

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