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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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We're back bros

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i hate the p(i)s(s) store so much

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>Son, you've got a way to fall
>They'll tell you where to go
>But they won't know

>Son, you'd better take it all

>They'll tell you what they know
>But they won't show

>Oh, I've got something in my throat

>I need to be alone
>While I suffer

>Son, you've got a way to kill

>They're picking on you still
>But they don't know
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Where do you hail from, newCHAD?





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sam hyde bros... did we just lose?
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Is he an arab now?


he married one


Persians aren't Arab sweetie


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>sam hyde bros... did we just lose?


Why'd Sam and Charles have to split...

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Threw my controller against the dry wall and it left a dent


what game tho






that just gives it character anon


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I feel you kyle.

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how do you like the newest guilty gear character so far?






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File: 1649410492887-1.mp3 (2.33 MB, Dolphin Rap 2 [640599300].mp3)

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Rate Nojak's Dolphin Rap

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good morning chuds, I am playing jump king and listening to ambient music

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What zoomer music is best?
Trannycore (dnb)

My vote's on phonk
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>aw shiet homie turn up dat mad beat


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I thought hyerpop was trannycore? What the fuck is actuall trannycore then?


>Trannycore is good music



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>'deth good even tho they only made 5 good albums out of like 16



you do NOT have 20144 pictures of dave mustaiine


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