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/muv/ - Music & Video Games

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File: 1647230826842.jpg (116.14 KB, 1080x520, WhittySmile.jpg)


what is the shartys thoughts on funkin


nas tranny zoomer nigger coal darker than the darkest black hole


File: 1647231165041.png (254.55 KB, 1106x1012, 2694 - 591a0e6d91e25dd6e50….png)

are you mad because /funkg/ raided the sharty harder than you can raid


no i'm mad because i'm in my 20s and I thought I was aging and losing my touch even though I grew up with the internet so posting soyjaks and being lol so randumb would make me feel spry again because I thought it would be the average imageboard age of 16-17 year olds but clearly some of you are 12 years old and that's just weird and cring


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