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/giga/ - Gigachad

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File: 1632689254064.jpg (52.7 KB, 828x821, 1611980240259.jpg)


>I seek the paranormal to explain everything


The newer, better science will acknowledge paranormal phenomena, the astral realms, etheric/scalar energies, et cetera as real.

It's only magic because it's unexplained.


closet furry


File: 1635928772229.jpeg (23.44 KB, 254x247, yiffinhell.jpeg)

Anyone who calls me a closet furry is surely a closet furry himself.


>he has furry image save to his compter
kys max


>image caption is literally "yiff in hell, furfags" and is classic reaction image to tell furfags to yiff in hell
>furry image

Does not compute.


which is about as good as saving troon porn and saying "jerk to troons in hell"
copeand deflect furry


I think you could have deconstructed my statement better. I said "the newer, better science" but science is the scientific method and not a singular entity, it would be more accurate for me to have said "A new scientific paradigm will acknowledge and apply the scientific method to research of paranormal phenomena, the astral realms, etheric/scalar energies, et cetera."


The logic of your argument is self-unraveling to anyone with an intelligence quotient above room temperature in the newton scale.


but we already have that


It is not yet widespread enough to develop and manufacture devices like anti-gravity craft or scalar shields.


The yiff in hell image isn't porn, though.


im neoplatonist



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