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File (hide): 1603298590607.jpg (44.01 KB, 295x371, Lizard - 8.jpg)

 No.944[View All]>>15254>>15624

"I, SISSYza-sama, JOBBER of the Universe humbly kneel to:

Bejita-sama, prince of all saiyans and my master.

CHADku-sama, my one and only true love and other master.

Beerus-sama, who I shall never become stronger than.

Majin Buu-sama, who my daddy warned me about.

Dyspo-sama, who easily manhandled me in his Superspeed form.

Toppo-sama, who anally raped me and first awakened my wish to become an analslut sissy.

Kale-sama, who beat the shit out of me so hard I started being attracted to femdom almost as much as I am attracted to men.

Jiren-sama, whose incomparabily forceful punches crushed my ass-womb entirely to the point I cannot bear CHADku-sama's children anymore like I wished to.

Broly-sama, whose hour-long beatings gave me uncontrollable orgasms so massive even the anal rape from CHADku-sama can't compare.

Cell-sama, for he has my DNA AS WELL AS the superior saiyan genes of my monkey MASTERS.

Moro-sama, whose power I am scared of (I hope he doesn't kill my beloved masters, but I am also too scared to help them…)"
321 posts and 123 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Turning off and on airplane mode never works for me


have you tried kys?


It's proxy time cutie.




See you in three days nigger


It was only 1 day, BITCH. I'm already back.


what happened to gemmers like this



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Exiled once again by the Janny...either /dbs/ moves to /trash/, /vg/, or here...we'll always survive...




What the hell is a "up"? Is that a Dragon Ball character?


He's the son of uub


Holy based.



File (hide): 1651709607828.jpg (64.21 KB, 1080x1027, Cell gives you a joint.jpg)

No, YOU take the meds, endless barrage of "up" posts serve no fucking purpose on a slow as shit board with 40 pages, you're just making the thread worse, at least post something Dragon Ball related.


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I'll find every single tranitor and show them what for.


19 months is 2 years now? As expected of vichan.


/dbs/ KNEELS to the CHADnny, know your place, JOBrenBITCH




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This is an old thread


And this is a slow board, at least post something Dragon ball related.


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having this dookie doo doo thread on the front page of this board constantly reminds me of how beef_curtains.swf would not drop off of swfchan for a huge amount of time, a lot of people hated it. Pretty funny


File (hide): 1653307426614.jpg (32.09 KB, 576x432, Goku is vibing.jpg)

Probably the most hispanic shit I've ever seen.


File (hide): 1653321475402.png (6.56 KB, 445x485, nigger.png)

>This does NOT look fan made. Absolutely incredible animation and storyboarding skills dude


youre not even quoting anyone


stop lying you filthy monkey.... stop spreading malice you dogshit basketball fucker..... stop being insanely deceptive you cockroaches eater piss drinker.... you are worse than a worm..... you are what people think of dried up used condoms.... you are truly disgusting.... society will be better off without you....


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>>944 (OP)


File (hide): 1653764403071.jpg (1.05 MB, 3465x3465, 1653161772108.jpg)



Go back, this is a ToyoCHAD website.


File (hide): 1653773925111.jpg (41.98 KB, 435x705, 1641912210898.jpg)

>Go back, this is a ToyoCHAD website.


Picrel is bait and you know it


VegetaGODS won


File (hide): 1653849736347.png (1.16 MB, 1101x725, TARDku 61.png)

Yes indeed.




File (hide): 1654587202413.png (1.06 MB, 4258x5654, gokuangryjak red flame.png)

go down





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I was just talking out of my ass but they ACTUALLY DID IT LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO




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>>944 (OP)


File (hide): 1654916169417.png (106.95 KB, 954x1122, MUI soyjak angry.png)



You will die soon


Old coal go up



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