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/a/ - Anime

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File: 1650821325785.png (43.39 KB, 2022x226, yuricucks.png)


But /a/ told me that the board used to be a yuri worshipping board before election /pol/ chuds came in 2016


File: 1651987467728.png (1.51 MB, 1334x2600, 1529070866149.png)


File: 1652000553553.png (65.27 KB, 1620x296, lol.png)

Just election tourists huh?


File: 1652001191076.png (133.89 KB, 1748x784, ohno.png)

The yuri haters are just alt-right chuds that discovered 4chan 2 weeks ago


File: 1652219648599.jpg (187.24 KB, 720x720, 1652087880979 (2).jpg)

>vaginas and large breasts just scare me for some reason




If that was truth Moot wouldn't make /u/


Yuritroon sisters... it's over...


Btw you got screenshots from were Iwatobi swim club was annouced and /a/virgins were saying it would be a giant failure and no more yaoibait would be in anime after that, and than it becane a massive hit in Japan, and America? /u/troons were seething about it too.


that's chika


File: 1652477639144.png (204.65 KB, 1998x1028, lesbianhate.png)

Just election tourists starting this anti-yuri meme


obssesed incel freak


kys tranny

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