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/a/ - Anime

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what do you guys think of neon? i heard its amazing and all however i think its just some tween nostalgia anime. is it worth a watch or instead watch the newest 'ruto arc


If you're going to watch Naruto at least do the old series and not the snoozefest piece of shit about Naruto's son's dad's son going to prom or whatever boring shit they're into now


Its the best.
>Still watching boruto
Get help


should i watch it just cause asuka or is she like the annoying sidekick type


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Shinji is best girl


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Eva is okay, yeah, that's it, nothing too special, it's good, but not the holy grail of anime.


its fun. dont expect it to be like what people say where its the greatest piece of media ever created but i enjoyed it, dont watch the rebuilds tho


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>but not the holy grail of anime.
Then what is tho?


The lost ark


Built for covington farms


Built for covington farms, i just phoned daniel covington


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>what do you guys think of neon?
trash overrated anime


what do you guys think of neon? i heard its amazingly easy to ionize and all however i think its just some tween nostalgia element. is it worth for industrial uses or instead use the newest 'alt element

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