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Should I watch Ojamajo Doremi


ids berry nice and cudee... u shoulde watch ite...


you will burn in the lake of fire /s4s/demon


ok but where's the guide and mega links i remember seeing years ago



s4steens only like this show because they think its "deep"


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It took 30 episodes, but I did it. I finally found a good 'jak.


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Doremi is awesome, it's as close to a 10/10 as you can get.
>the characters
>the stories
>the humor
>the feels
>the music
It's all great.


>>13236 (OP)
You genuinely have to be a sperg to the degree of that kid from that netflix show atypical, or like the YouTuber osaka sydrome or like that one total sperg from your school days. Being a pedo or pseudopedo or just fond of cute girls also helps. Not being an adhd plotfag or underaged also helps.


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sneed tahbaz wtf are you doing here


Kys pedo


I wanna rewatch it, but 200+ episodes and 13 OVAs is a shit ton to sit through all over again.


Lmao lolicons despise pedos more than anyone else

Project harder nonce faggot


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>Lmao lolicons despise pedos more than anyone else

>Project harder nonce faggot


>pedos are also transphobic

Why am I not surprised


I think you have to either be gay or an anti-social sperg to watch any magic girl show. Maybe even a bit of both.


t. is both


pretending lolicon is different from pedophilia is top tier tranny shit


You got it all wrong. Trannies hate things in anime that differ from the western media (like lolicon), they call it problematic or whatever


trannies seethe whenever they see cunny, just look at tw*tter


average pedophile on twitter is either a mentally ill polcel satanist or tranny, whats your point


that as >>14905 said, trannies hate lolicon


there is 0 evidence of that and countless proof of the opposite


>you got it all wrong

no, i don't. you will hang, pedo


>0 evidence
look at the spy x family case
>countless proof of the opposite
which are


>Trannies are a monlith
What a retarded thread

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