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/a/ - Anime


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File (hide): 1637653855517.gif (1.97 MB, 500x373, ....gif)


This board was much better when it was just 3 anond and me larping as 3 more different anons.


when was that tho


A year ago after the dragon ball fag left ,and before he came back.


I was here a year ago tho.
Eva faggot.


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Meds, there are no newfags here.


Also half of the people you're talking to are me, so don't worry.


We actually grew thoughy though wyt




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Rule 1: no 'jaks outside of /soy/ and /qa/, fuck off soyfag


Holy this


No such rule, meds.


File (hide): 1637694502459.gif (124.44 KB, 672x560, 7176850878427099143.gif)

thats how you look after 3 doses of 'zer




I took it and I'm not colorful or glowing, should I get my money back


but youre glowing a lot right now


new real:
only vaccinated people allowed on the party


Clever, didn't expect that reply


>Can't post soys on fucking SOYJAK.PARTY
The average tr/a/nime nigger.


Hang yourself wojakspamming /soy/ immigrant.


this is the tranime board, No wojaks allowed


What about anime characters doing the soy face bread?


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it's nas so it's allowed


File (hide): 1637781289894.gif (138.04 KB, 45x40, 1637647946637.gif)

>this is the tranime board, No wojaks allowed


Soy scholars, is this gif nas?



first documented use of this coalf ( coal gif )


I don't know about you but the only thing I have ever used this board for was flooding threads I didn't like with dbz danbooru artwork


File (hide): 1642772273515.png (349.64 KB, 540x696, RATku.png)

Based Gokubro!


Everybody is laughing at you, and thinks you're a retard


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>Everybody is laughing at you, and thinks you're a retard


Shes right


File (hide): 1642804794768.png (102.29 KB, 320x320, 70813925.png)

>Shes right


Bumping for very important meta discusion

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