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/suggest/ - Suggest

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652186648650.png (481.13 KB, 570x718, Sharty Dog Smile.PNG)


soot, make /an/. this will make everybody happy. now we have a place where dogjaks and the sharty dog can go




File: 1652199844388.gif (1.74 MB, 202x255, EF80264D-D25C-4140-BB5C-03….gif)

Beesting and dogjak are IAS and belong on soy though


I won't be happy if this board ever gets made


File: 1652200162034.jpg (14.42 KB, 167x177, soyjak tearing up because ….jpg)

Oh? I apologize for suggesting it, get in the vc, I wanna give you a direct apology.


File: 1652224566803.png (586.34 KB, 800x1349, 1652046011327.png)

do this




dogjak is coal nas
sharty dog is gem ias



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