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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1649535101977.jpg (41.27 KB, 228x224, soydrink2.jpg)


Does anyone have this pic in higher resolution?

File: 1649525536330.png (3.7 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_20220409_120748.png)


I made a woman wet, make her a fem soyjak pls

File: 1649383795323-0.png (24.87 KB, 800x450, 5C4555C8-95DB-4CA9-A2A9-51….png)

File: 1649383795323-1.jpeg (286.7 KB, 1332x850, C51F6D3A-0E7D-4AFE-AC6E-5….jpeg)


somebody please make edits of this shitty ‘jak I made. I already made a calmjak




File: 1627157964705.png (454.61 KB, 533x800, ClipboardImage.png)


New Guinness world record holder y'all
41 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


one of the finest eras of the sharty tbh


bumo to this gem


File: 1648634036231.jpg (68.34 KB, 1014x570, wallace-gromit-1014x570.jpg)

That smile on the right looks like Wallace.


sharty classic


holy ‘em

File: 1649141957808.png (109.79 KB, 250x311, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1649030094296.png (30.92 KB, 427x400, 5131 - arm clothes cloud c….png)


requesting cloudflare soyjaks
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Do you have the feraljak one


File: 1649031689935.png (547.64 KB, 1000x1000, Cloudflare_feraljak.png)



Is there a feraljak one? I just made this one.



File: 1648803627136.jpg (246.75 KB, 1280x748, 274219484_2392999867509413….jpg)


Does anyone have that video of a chud-looking kid drawing a 'jak on a school whiteboard? It had a caption like "wtf is he doing" or something.
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lmao so thats where the chud writing meme came from


That's the one.


File: 1649124533736.png (88.96 KB, 676x1021, 1649092827918.png)

>dat smile


can someone post the template tho


Just two steps to beccame a real 'jakker

File: 1649128269050.png (198.89 KB, 1200x1332, d6zvt3p-ae6e0ea6-f53b-41b3….png)


hi Swede, if you see this can you make it ias

File: 1649054163906.png (69.79 KB, 1000x1000, 1648147799742.png)


someone make FTM version of troonjaks NOW


just add a soyjak mouth to the pooner meme

File: 1649041022706.mp4 (578.1 KB, 640x434, patrick-bateman-american-p….mp4)


new 'jak idea

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