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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1653677551424.jpg (75.83 KB, 806x1210, A sneed thread died for th….jpg)


Reminder that you will never have cartoonface
Cartoonface does not exist in real life
Reminder that you will never have cartoonface
Cartoonface does not exist in real life
Reminder that you will never have cartoonface
Cartoonface does not exist in real life
Reminder that you will never have cartoonface
Cartoonface does not exist in real life
Reminder that you will never have cartoonface
Cartoonface does not exist in real life
Reminder that you will never have cartoonface
Cartoonface does not exist in real life
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1653677751924.gif (106.39 KB, 599x754, 1646310293281.gif)

>not a single ias in the picture, not even a small one in the corner
>I think I'm gonna have to file a 'port


>turning against your own soyjak kind
>while using a soyjak




Obsessing over minute angles in your face is a feminine trait. My face is my face, I rarely even see it. Stop looking in the mirror all day like a teenage girl


File: 1653678322702.jpg (24.22 KB, 490x586, chudjak_anger.jpg)

>i don't have a good jaw therefore all good jaws fake

File: 1653673500209.png (560.89 KB, 1000x563, ClipboardImage.png)


All discussions should be re-directed to this thread.
Keep soyjaks at a minimum.


i want to have sex with them both


did brandon scott hole really get to see applejack in heaven?

File: 1653672743777.png (248.09 KB, 1080x1693, Screenshot_20220527-122934….png)


cado trannies this is your mindset


ja nadal nie mam linka do pierdolonego karacurda


god i hate redditors


might as well get off the party

File: 1651191934425.jpg (21.76 KB, 200x200, lollipop.jpg)


愛がなければ 真実は視えない
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File: 1651197655533.png (108.67 KB, 369x315, Bern disgusted.png)

I'm not fat.


File: 1651197742888.png (708.01 KB, 545x574, 1650573937900.png)

>I'm not fat.






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File: 1651029213424.jpg (114.03 KB, 1280x720, rika happy 6.jpg)


Den den den den den den, go go gadget dick!
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


thats not the inspector gadget intro


*Dem dem dem dem dem dem


BWC girl!



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Why is it everytime as an American (God bless) when I wake up to this shithole, it's filled with BBC, gore, and/or CP?

Who is the uncivilized one now? Huh euroshits, commie block crips and SEA niggers (aussies included)?
Mexican twink is annoying and gay but he never pulls any of this shit.
Imagine letting a scrawny spic faggot behave better than y'all.


>inb4 discord gets called


File: 1653644186390.png (887.48 KB, 629x945, poor little twink.png)

shut up faggot, go masturbate to your kayne album also your do all of that


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Apustaja posters are complete cancer

File: 1653620572073.png (570.29 KB, 967x960, 657523327838235723756.PNG)


Sincere question. Why do you come to 4chan just to post wojak shit? What compels you people to do this? No one is angry or seething or think that they're ""getting pwned"". All you're doing is degrading the overall quality of the site and perpetuating that garbage like this is in 4chan culture. I admit that 4chan has always had cancerous garbage, but you are others like you are actively trying to engulf the entirety of this place with it. Why?
5 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.





File: 1653623669894.mp4 (1005.63 KB, 618x720, 38. 4chan Culture.mp4)

i get that funny reference!!!


there is absolutely no refrence to anything in there, meds


File: 1653645341152.png (291.02 KB, 768x719, ClipboardImage.png)

Apustaja posters are complete cancer

File: 1653619451960.jpg (118.4 KB, 1600x1591, 1653606829215-1.jpg)


This thread is for the collection of notable posts from the Q Research General thread.

All Anons will be allowed to submit notable buns and only full buns will be accepted.

One off link backs and chatter will be regularly deleted.



This is the 13th thread.

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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

File: 1653614135363.mp4 (4.41 MB, 854x480, 4chan nazi shitposter larp….mp4)


she's true


God I wish I was this based


File: 1653615874849.gif (3.14 MB, 636x640, Based So Fucking Based Zas….gif)

File: 1653610114758.jpeg (17.29 KB, 474x527, OIP (88).jpeg)


>Part 1: Skits and Martha are feeling desperate while they wait in the broiling sun for Helen to finish shopping. Fed up, Skits decides to follow the cool air into the store, and Martha has to follow to get him out. What are they going to do now that they're stuck in the bathroom and the store is about to close?!
>Part 2:Helen can't find Martha and Skits anywhere. Little does she know, they're trapped inside the darkened department store, trying to find the exit ... when they aren't distracted by the comfy beds, overflowing garbage cans, and automatic tennis–ball shooter. Will they find their way out before it's time to blow out Mom's birthday candles?

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