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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient


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league of legends
3 posts omitted. Click to expand.


Glad this is the only soydeo game ive ever gotten into. Stopped playing a few season ago and now im proud to call myself a non-gamer. God i cant stand /v/ fags.


played the beta on steam and it was with real superheroes then like spiderman etc


Please treat other people with respect, it takes zero effort to be kind to people


Doubt it had trannys in 2013 it was just a actually damn game cuck hold


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tranny game


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pic 3 - settings icon in 2 videoplayers - the top - in (((Youtube))). The bottom - in the Russian alternative - Rutube.

pic 1 - Kadyrov, pay attention on his cap.

The founder of (((Youtube))) is ... (((Brin))). The family of Brin are Jewish dissidents who left USSR. Google engine was created with sponsoring and support from (((CIA))) and (((DARPA))).

Pic 2 - today a war between these 2 symbols, two worlds is happening on the territory of ex-Khazaria. And everything is very clean. And you MUST understand who is on the left side and who is on the right side.

6 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


The schizobros continue being right about everything


give me a good day at work today


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>schizophrenia bad


Q told me about this one



King Julien Thread
>Post your 'uliens
9 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


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>NIGGER! IAS are culture therefore the very definition of IAS and NAS are based on narrow-minded cultural assumptions. Check them facts, 'weetie.


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>(crap! that didn't win me any points with the jannie...)


nas dust


he bouncy


File (hide): 1654390383975.png (179.27 KB, 706x717, Soytan Payne.png)

>Well, I guess that settles it, Mr. Soyjak? All that's left is waiting for the janny's verdi- OOPS! The thread was moved. It's over.



post only the newest of ‘arrisons


>Moved to >>>/b/37309.
based ben was always allowed on /soy/ before


rogue mod


Do rightoids think russia will give them a medal of honor for being cocksuckers online?


Do leftrannies think Ukraine will give them a Medal of Honor for being cocksuckers online?


No rightChad ever wanted to give $40 billion to Russia though.



Oh my god HE's so based!



make her tits bigger


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I'm putting together a team



It's over.


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>>36714 (OP)
>its over





I love anime and hate trans people cope harder tranny


>saying trans people instead of trannies
way to out yourself


>Triggered over 1 word
Troon calm down


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>bbc won
Dog sissters get in here


File (hide): 1654064106888.mp4 (4.81 MB, 576x1024, dXqOJekSQho8tRW5.mp4) [play once] [loop]


crypto bros


>>37085 (OP)
"Ceo of unemployed"
ironic that they say this and do streaming on twitch and tiktoks for retards, embarassing if anything and you are even more of a retard, because tiktok lowers your attention span its Chinese communist spyware, hooking your brain onto dopamine non stop, and its not even educational kys die of people like you. Slow down the process of a new theory for matter.

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